05-23-2012: Site Navigation Changes and Updates

Please take a look at the changes we have made to the website. The top menu now links to more of the site’s internal pages by group.

World Record links to all the articles and posts that describe the world record attempt made by Jason.

New Method links to all the articles that explain what is Chinese Etymology, how it works and why it is now emerging as the BEST method to learn Chinese in the world!

Reviews shows a list of organizations and universities that have reviewed the Chinese Etymology methodology and Jason’s world record, among this list is the Premier of Taiwan Government.

The Tutorial Camp link continues to be one of our highest interests for our site visitors and we have left the link on the top menu for your convenience. If you have not looked yet, be sure to check out our online learning school and tutorial camp, you can learn Chinese fast online and follow the same study path as Jason did to achieve his world record!

Finally, we have added the Even more link that lists for you all of our other sites in the Chinese Etymology site network, including our online forums, online school and online bookstore.

We encourage you to take a look around and we hope you enjoy our new navigation.